What is FAROS
In spite of the existing European and national standards earmarking the principle of equality and the right for everyone to participate in social activities and have access to public services, discrimination towards LGBTI+ people is still apparent.
FAROS is a European initiative aiming to strengthen protection, monitoring and prevention mechanisms as well as combat hate crimes and homophobic, biphobic, transphobic and interphobic discrimination and violence, by enhancing the skills of public servants to better understand and respond to the needs of LGBTI+ people and by developing a network of stakeholders and interested parties which will serve as a safety net for LGBTI+.
Who will be

Public servants
(educators, administrative officers, health professionals, police officers and professionals working in justice and psychosocial support services)

and organisations representing LGBTI+

Key stakeholders
from civil society organisations working with/for LGBTI+

Decision and policy makers